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Nutrilait offers consumers a variety of high-quality products manufactured in Canada, using milk from Canadian farms. We make no compromise on taste and quality to bring Canadian families dairy products at their best.

Click here for Nutrilait's Canadian Dairy Guide.


Are Nutrilait products made from Canadian milk?

Nutrilait offers to consumers high quality products using 100% Canadian milk.

Where are the Nutrilait products available?

The Nutrilait products are now available in approximately 203 Loblaw banner stores in Quebec : Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Provigo, Provigo Le Marché, Loblaws, as well as Walmart, Pharmaprix and other independent retailers.

What does partly skimmed milk mean?

Partly skimmed milk is milk that has had some of the fat physically removed. Examples are Nutrilait 1% and 2% partly skimmed milk.


All Nutrilait milk is “homogenized” during processing. Homogenization means that the milk fat globules are physically broken up by specialized equipment into very small particles. This process keeps the fat evenly distributed throughout the milk and prevents it from floating up to the top of the container.

Why is milk called skim, 1%, 2%, and homogenized?

The names of the different types of milk refer to how much fat (by weight) is in the milk. Skim milk has less than 0.3% fat or less than 0.3 g of fat per 100 g of milk. 1% milk has 1 g of fat per 100 g of milk. 2% milk has 2 g of fat per 100 g of milk, and homogenized milk has 3.25 g of fat per 100 g of milk.


All Nutrilait milk is pasteurized. This means that the milk has been heated to a temperature that will kill disease-causing bacteria. Not only is our milk safe to drink, but it tastes great too!

Does PASTEURIZATION affect the nutritional value of milk?

Pasteurization does not affect the quality or the quantity of calcium, protein, riboflavin or vitamin A in fluid milk. The vitamin C and thiamine are slightly reduced but milk is not a significant source of these nutrients.

What is the source of vitamin A and vitamin D in milk?

Milk naturally contains some vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A and D are fat-soluble vitamins. When milk fat is removed to produce skim, 1% and 2% milk, the naturally-occurring vitamins are decreased. Under Canadian regulations the level of these vitamins must be added back to a specific amount. To do this we add vitamins A and D from a synthetic source (non-animal): vitamin A is from lemon grass oil and vitamin D is derived from lanolin extracted from sheep’s wool. These vitamins aid in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. Vitamin A aids in the development and maintenance of night vision and aids in maintaining the health of the skin and membranes. Vitamin D enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization.

How much vitamin A is in milk?

Nutrilait skim, 1% and 2% milk is fortified with no less than 1,200 international units of vitamin A per litre, as required by Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations. Vitamin A is not added to 3.25% homogenized milk because it still contains a significant amount of the naturally-occurring vitamin A. This milk provides 10% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A per 250 mL serving.

How much vitamin D is in milk?

Nutrilait skim, 1%, 2% and homogenized milk is fortified with no more than 400 international units of vitamin D per litre, as required by Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations. This milk provides 45% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D per 250 mL serving.

What does the best before date mean?

The best before date indicates how long the unopened product will retain its freshness and high quality if held continuously at the right temperature.

Why does my milk go sour before the best before date on the carton?

If milk is always stored at the proper temperature (between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius), it will be fresh tasting if consumed before the best before date on the carton. Did your milk carton sit in your warm car for a few hours on your way home from the grocery store? Did you leave it on your kitchen counter? Is your refrigerator temperature higher than 4 °C? These are some common reasons why milk warms up and goes sour before the best before date. For great tasting Nutrilait milk, keep it cold at all times.

How do I handle milk?

Store milk in the original container to safeguard quality and freshness. Keep milk containers cold and away from strong-smelling foods. To avoid cross-contaminating milk, do not return unused milk from a serving pitcher to the original container. If milk has been left at room temperature for longer than two hours, throw it away.

How do I keep my milk fresh?

In warm weather (if your trip home takes longer than 30 minutes), bring an insulated cooler with ice to keep milk, cream and other perishable foods cold. Once in your kitchen, place these foods in the refrigerator as soon as possible. Even short periods of time at room temperature can cause off flavours and spoilage before the best before date.

Store milk and cream on refrigerator shelves rather than the door, which is not cold enough, rotating them to use older products first.

Regularly check the temperature of your refrigerator. It should register between 1°C and 4°C (39°F). All opened milk products are perishable, including canned and UHT milk, and should be refrigerated.

Be sure to check the best before date; products are at their peak quality before this date.

Serve milk, cream and other dairy products from their original containers.

Store milk, cream and other dairy products away from strong-smelling foods. Dairy products are sensitive to odours.

*Did you know? It only takes 30 minutes at room temperature for a litre of milk to reach a temperature that can spoil the milk.

Does Nutrilait add sugar to its milk?

No. There is naturally-occurring lactose in milk.

Where can I purchase unpasteurized milk and cream?

Some consumers believe that it is healthier to consume unpasteurized raw milk or cream. However, this is not true. No matter how careful a dairy farmer or milk processor is, or how hygienic the conditions, disease-producing bacteria may be present in unpasteurized raw milk. Current legislation makes it illegal to sell or give away raw milk or cream anywhere in Canada. Pasteurization improves the safety of milk but does not affect its nutritional value.

Can dairy products help to lower my blood pressure?

Recent research indicates that low fat dairy products may help to lower blood pressure. If you are watching your blood pressure, try enjoying Nutrilait skim milk as part of your balanced diet. Consult a physician for the latest research findings and how they affect you.

Is it OK to drink milk when I am stuffy due to a cold or allergy?

Yes, it’s fine to drink milk when you have a cold or suffer from allergies. The best choice is skim milk because it is less thick than other types of milk. 1%, 2% and homogenized milk may prevent existing mucus in your throat from draining easily, so it may seem like there is more mucus present. Children under 4 years old should not consume skim milk on a regular basis, so consult your physician for recommendations on treating young children.

Why are Nutrilait milk products an important part of your diet?

Later in life, many adults develop weak, brittle bones that are easily broken. This is called osteoporosis. Our bodies cannot produce the calcium required to keep our bones strong, so all adults need to consume 2 - 4 servings of milk products every day. This is especially important for post-menopausal women because the process of losing bone mass accelerates during this time in life. The best prevention is regular physical exercise and a balanced diet rich in calcium.

Why are dairy products a better source of calcium than other types of food?

In order for your body to use calcium from food to maintain healthy bones, it must be able to absorb the calcium. This is called the bio-availability of the calcium. Most other sources of calcium found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes contain oxalate, phytate and fibre that bind to the calcium and interfere with its absorption into our body. Generally speaking, plant-based foods also usually contain less calcium than dairy products. So, for an easy way to meet your calcium requirements, just enjoy 2 - 4 servings (adults) of Nutrilait milk products every day. The calcium in milk has good bio-availability, plus it tastes great!

Am I consuming enough milk products every day?

Canada’s Food Guide recommends 2 - 4 servings of milk and milk products every day for adults, but many Canadians consume less than one serving of milk per day. Nutrilait provides tasty, low fat dairy products for you to enjoy as part of your healthy, balanced diet.

What’s so important about calcium?

Calcium is an essential mineral that we require to build and maintain strong, healthy bones. It is also essential for normal nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting. Because our bodies cannot manufacture calcium, we need it in our diet throughout our lives, not just during childhood. The good news is that no matter what type of Nutrilait white milk you prefer, they are all tasty beverages packed with more than 300 mg of calcium per 250 mL serving.

Can I replace milk with calcium supplements?

The Osteoporosis Society of Canada recommends that we try to meet our calcium requirements by eating a well-balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Dairy products are one of nature’s best food sources of calcium because they are an easy-to-absorb source. No matter how much calcium a supplement contains, it usually only gives you calcium. A glass of Nutrilait milk, however, provides calcium and at least 15 other essential nutrients, including vitamin D, which helps your body absorb the calcium. We think Nutrilait milk tastes better too!

Does caffeine make me lose calcium from my body?

If you meet Canada’s Food Guide requirements for milk and milk products, a moderate amount of caffeine consumption is acceptable. However, excessive caffeine (more than 3 - 4 cups) can increase calcium losses in the urine. Adults need 2 - 4 servings per day of milk and milk products. Nutrilait milk is an easy and delicious way to get the calcium and nutrients you need to have strong, healthy bones throughout your life. In fact, drinking a cafe latte is a good way of getting calcium as well.

Do I need more calcium while I am pregnant or breast feeding?

Getting enough calcium is very important when you are pregnant or breast feeding because you must meet the calcium requirements of your baby as well as your own needs. Make sure you get enough calcium by consuming 3 - 4 servings of dairy products every day.

Are dairy products a fattening way to get calcium?

Absolutely not! Dairy products are an important part of a balanced diet, because they provide essential vitamins and minerals in addition to calcium. If you are trying to lose weight, evaluate your overall intake of calories and choose lower fat dairy products like Nutrilait skim milk as part of your balanced diet.

Milk and milk products contain cholesterol. Isn’t cholesterol bad for you?

There are two types of cholesterol—the cholesterol in your blood and the cholesterol in food. We need some cholesterol because it is involved in brain development and the production of vitamin D in our bodies. However, if you have too much cholesterol in your blood, fatty deposits can build up in your arteries, causing heart disease. For some people, the cholesterol in food can also be a problem if they consume too much of it. The key to controlling blood cholesterol is to decrease your total intake of fat, especially saturated fats. Choose low fat dairy products and foods that are prepared with little or no fat. Nutrilait skim milk is an example of a healthy, tasty, low fat product.

What other nutrients are in Nutrilait milk?

In addition to calcium and vitamin D, each glass of Nutrilait milk provides protein, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin A, niacin, riboflavin, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium. This is what we call real food!

Are phosphorus and magnesium important minerals for good health?

Milk and milk products contain several vitamins and minerals that are important for maintaining good health. Phosphorus is required for making energy in our cells and for strengthening our bones. Magnesium is also involved in making energy for our cells, but additionally, it is important for controlling blood calcium levels and muscle contractions. One cup (250 mL) of Nutrilait 2% milk provides 22% of our daily requirement of phosphorus and 14% of our daily requirement of magnesium.

Why do I need protein?

Protein is a vital part of a healthy diet, helping with the growth and repair of tissues, including skin, bones, eyes and, most importantly, muscles. It also helps support a healthy immune system. Nutrilait milk is an excellent source of protein.

Why do I need potassium?

Potassium is required for muscle activity and contractions. It is also involved in maintaining our bodies’ fluid balance. If we don’t have enough potassium, our blood pressure can rise. Nutrilait milk is a good source of this important nutrient.

Why do I need riboflavin?

Riboflavin is required by our bodies to produce energy in our cells and keep tissues like our skin, eyes and nervous system healthy. Like calcium, riboflavin is difficult to get in large quantities in our foods. Nutrilait milk and milk products are important sources of riboflavin in our diet. One cup (250 mL) of 2% milk contains 25% of our daily requirement for riboflavin.

Why do I need vitamin A?

Vitamin A is essential for good vision and healthy skin. It is also involved in the regulation of cell growth and the immune system. Nutrilait milk is an excellent source of vitamin A.

What does vitamin D have to do with healthy bones?

Did you know that without vitamin D, our bodies cannot absorb the calcium and phosphorus we need for strong, healthy bones and teeth? This can lead to weak and fragile bones (osteoporosis) in later life. When our skin is exposed to sunlight, our bodies are able to produce vitamin D. However, our Canadian climate often prevents us from going outside, so vitamin D is added to milk. As one of our staple foods, milk is the best way to ensure that we get the amount of vitamin D we need. One cup (250 mL) of Nutrilait milk contains 45% of our recommended daily intake of vitamin D.

Why do I need zinc?

One glass of Nutrilait milk provides about 11% of our recommended daily intake of zinc. Zinc helps our bodies build protein and it is involved in the immune response.

Which milk is best for my child?

During their first 4 years, children’s bodies are rapidly growing and developing. High energy foods, such as Nutrilait homogenized milk, provide more energy, and may be better suited for young children. Children over 4 years old should follow Canada’s Food Guide, which suggests 2 - 3 servings of lower fat dairy products each day. Consult a registered dietitian or pediatrician for more information.

Does skim milk contain fewer nutrients than other types of milk?

Skim milk contains all the same nutrients as 1%, 2% and homogenized milk, but less fat and calories. One cup (250 mL) of Nutrilait skim milk contains only 0.5 g of fat and 90 calories.

Can I freeze milk?

Although we do not recommend freezing milk products, for some it is a necessity. Milk may be frozen for as long as 3 months provided the sealed container is frozen prior to the best before date. Skim and 2% milk freeze better than homogenized milk. Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator. The milk will still have the same nutrients, but it may separate. If it does, shake well or beat with an electric mixer or rotary beater.

Can I freeze cream?

Freezing cream is not recommended because it affects the quality of the product. In most cases, freezing causes changes to the fat, which can lead to poor texture.